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A group of public admin workers appear to be on a construction site. They are wearing hard hats and safety vests, holding clipboards with planning documents smiling and talking.
A group of public admin workers appear to be on a construction site. They are wearing hard hats and safety vests, holding clipboards with planning documents smiling and talking.
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IDS Asset Optimizer

Future Proof Your Approach to Asset Management

Empowering agencies with the ability to see advanced insights to better predict asset depreciation over time.

The Ultimate Solution for Asset Lifecycle and Infrastructure Cost Management

In partnership with Infrastructure Data Solutions (IDS), CentralSquare delivers a solution that provides a holistic approach to asset management, streamlining decisions for both immediate and long-term budgeting while ensuring smart financial forecasting. The collaboration between Asset Optimizer™ and CentralSquare Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) connects program ideation to project execution, fostering a transformative approach that enhances infrastructure service delivery.

The Power of Asset Optimizer and EAM

A Partnership Amplifying Benefits

For users of CentralSquare EAM, introducing Asset Optimizer means:

  • Seamless integration of asset data, ensuring continuity and minimizing manual data entry
  • Enhanced asset degradation modeling, harnessing historical maintenance cost data for precision
  • The ability to run varied scenario-based analyses for thorough asset health and budget evaluation


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A man and a woman consult a laptop together, where they are managing city assets and finances.
Two men in a warehouse setting wear safety vests and consult a clipboard together.
An engineer in a hard hat and safety vest is consulting a tablet.

Redefine Budgeting and Performance Metrics

With Asset Optimizer’s Programming & Budgeting feature combined with CentralSquare EAM, managing multiple programs and funding channels becomes a breeze. Continuous monitoring ensures projects remain on track, and once finalized, CentralSquare EAM captures all the details. This powerful integration empowers asset managers to strike a perfect balance between operational expenditure and capital expenditure, always keeping service objectives at the forefront.

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One of our experts will reach out to you shortly to see how CentralSquare can better help you serve your community.

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CentralSquare's Enterprise Asset Management software displayed on a laptop.
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